Tag Archives: Grandmother Moon Blessings

Thank you Grandmother Moon Supporters!

BeckyVlatkaGMOMBecky Parker Geist and I are celebrating! Our print book of Grandmother Moon and Other Mother Stories: Book One just arrived! It is our first book that we have published together and we are reveling in the joy of it.

Becky and I want to take a moment to thank everyone who helped us:


Ruth Stotter, Jay O’Callahan, Andy Parker, Natasha Tasiyana Kolida, BAIPA (Bay Area Independent Publishers Associations) and BAIPA Mastermind authors. Also, Ruth Schwartz, the Wonderlady, Linda Jay, and Mark Coker of Smashwords.

Friends and People who have bought the book:

Jeann Iris Brick, Rachel Marsh, Allison Cox, Letticia Quinn, Jessica Barrilleaux, Lyn Marsh, Ines Sinon, Glen Carlson, Marjorie Thorne, John Koch, Lazaris, you whose name is not mentioned and of course our wonderful families!

Thank you everyone for your support and contributions! It’s such a joy!

If we missed you off of our gratitude list, please let us know and we will add you to our list!

Grandmother Moon Blessings!

Vlatka and Becky